此次慶典內容豐富多樣。其中最受關注的 「釜山港觀光」活動除了可以登船體驗,還能見到大型海軍艦艇等,
Asian Gateway, Busan Port!
How about planning to go to the festival?
Don't miss the chance to enjoy them this spring!
[韓國包車旅遊] Personalized MaiTour
MAI TOUR專為來韓國自由行的旅客提供包車旅遊服務也做行程規劃.
MAI TOUR提供安全,方便還有您在韓國旅遊時最地道的玩法信息
Are you planning to travel to Korea? We will take you everywhere~!!!
Enjoy your Journey without worrying about transportation....
Choose a sightseeing places you want to go.
Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions.
Learn more
http://maitour.weebly.com / Line ID : jeanny7401 / maitourkorea1@gmail.com